Minutes – 12/08/2017


  1. Call to Order: President Terri Moore called the meeting to order at 18:33 at President Terri Moore’s house.. Officers present included President Terri Moore, and Treasurer David Sweeney. Other club members present and in good standing were; Michael Wesp, Seth Kehlenbeck, Allyson Sweeney, Mattie Claire Sweeney,  Stephanie Cunningham, Petra Wright, Ashley Wesp, Kathryn Sweeney, Kara ??, Janet Leffingwell, and Walker Boyd.
  2. Old Business:
    a. Reading of the Minutes: Kathryn, Allyson 
    b. IRS Incorporation Status: Treasurer Sweeney confirmed that the state incorporation paperwork was complete. He has been working on federal IRS 501(c)(7) incorporation paperwork and made a motion that the Board approve the filing of this paperwork to officially register NWES as a non-profit entity for tax purposes. This will allow the club to accept donations of money and equipment to fulfill the club’s purposes while giving members the ability to record these donations as charitable. It would also give us a tax-exempt status for some period of time, which could be useful.  MOTION: Treasurer Sweeney moved that the club approve submittal of IRS 501(c)(7) paperwork along with the necessary filing fee of $400 at the earliest opportunity. He further moved that if there were not sufficient funds in the club’s bank account to cover these fees, he would provide the difference to be reimbursed at a later time when the club had the funds. SECONDED by Austin Sweeney. MOTION CARRIED
  3. New Business:
    a. Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Sweeney reported that there were no changes from the earlier report on the AT trip.
    b. Color Hike. A discussion of the Color hike ensued. No fiscal report on this hike was available.
  4. Adjourn: There being not further business to bring before the club, the meeting adjourned at 21:05.

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