Call to Order: Treasurer David Sweeney called the meeting to order at 17:53 at WC Mercantile. No other officers were present. Club members present were; Immediate Past President Terri Moore, Matt Moore, Allyson Sweeney, Stephanie Cunningham, Petra Cunningham, Kathryn Sweeney, Mattie Claire Sweeney.
Old Business: a. Reading of the Minutes. David read the minutes from the last meeting. They were accepted without comment. b. David confirmed that the federal IRS 501(c)(7) incorporation has been accepted. He also found out that we will need to file some further paperwork to take non-taxable donation. Stephanie Cunningham suggested that Stephen Heck may be willing to examine tax exempt donations for the club for a reduced fee. Stephanie said she would ask him. c. David relayed the current account balance for the club which is $854.78. No expenses have been made against the club the fall, 2017 color hike.
New Business: a. David went over hikes for the fall. There is a choice for the fall color hike of a short trail at Lost Maples, or 28 mi. 3 day loop at Lake Georgetown. Club members present preferred the longer 3-day loop at Georgetown. Sat-Mon (or Tues morning) is preferred. All present voted for Georgetown. Allyson volunteered to be the crew leader and Stephanie is the co-crew leader. b. Brandi and Stephanie want to do the TC Challenge, run from Navasota to Anderson, bike from Anderson to Conroe, and kayak across Conroe to beer. Terri is interested. Stephanie is looking for interested parties. TC stands for Tejeda/Cunningham. Stephanie volunteered to be the crew leader for this event. Date has yet to be set. c. We discussed a spring hike at Davy Crockett National Forest – it’s a 20 mile straight shot. No date was set. Pedernales Falls SP also has Juniper Ridge Trail, 9 miles, which is promising. d. We discussed some changes for the AT trip in 2019. Frontier Airlines is inexpensive enough for us to ship our equipment and fly to the trailhead. This would eliminate hotels, food, travel expenses, etc. This will be discussed in the spring when we begin planning for the AT, but the recommendation is that we fly rather than drive this year. Rocky Racoon – We have been asked to man an aid station, Feb. 2-3, in Huntsville. We will request the “Far Out” station. We will wear our club t-shirts. We will bring a BBQ pit, beer and make a trip out of it. Stephanie is the crew leader for this event.
Adjourn: There being no further business to bring before the club, Terri Moore made a motion to adjourn. Luke Sweeney seconded it. The meeting was adjourned at 18:42.