Day Two – Mohican Outdoor Center to Brink Shelter

We woke up at the Mohican Outdoor Center and got a shuttle to the blue Mountain Lake Road, which intersects the A-T about 7 miles in Since we were short yesterday, we thought the better part of valor would be to take a short day today.
The day was hot and rocky with lots of ridge running over balds with little shade. The temperature has been in the upper 80s maybe 90. Allyson was pretty wiped out today.
The shelter is a good one, although the water is a little bit low. We ran into bird nerd again today, and she is staying here at the shelter with us.
One disturbing thing: there was a hiker dressed all in black that we ran into earlier today, and Bird Nerd said that he was talking to some of the female hikers harassing them, and at one point was chased by some male hikers away from the scene. He’s staying in the shelter tonight. He seems a little off, but other than that OK. I’ll have to keep an eye on him.
Today’s mileage: 7.5
Total Trail Miles: 24.9

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